Did you enjoy your shopping?네, 여러분 결제 잘 하셨나요?
Let's Check Shopping Expression
Level 1
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 1
Level 2
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 2
of the online shopping mall "VictoriaGarson" when I was 17 years old쇼핑몰 '빅토리아 가르손느'라는 곳의CEO를 맡고 있는 김수경이고요
Level 3
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 3
Shopping mall CEO쇼핑몰 CEO
Level 4
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 4
in the spotlight as a teenage CEOof an online shopping mall케이블 방송 '얼짱시대 7'에도 출연을 했었고
Level 5
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 5
I began working in the shopping mall because I liked it사실은 쇼핑몰 일이 좋아서 시작했지만
Level 6
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After that I was going to make a shopping mall with my name내 이름을 건 쇼핑몰을만들어야겠다고 생각했어요
Level 7
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 7
And then after I came back to the shopping mall I took pictures그렇게 쇼핑몰에 다시 돌아와서사진 촬영을 하고
Level 8
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for the shopping mall일하는 기계가 되어 있었던 거죠
Level 9
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 9
realized that the shopping mall which I내가 생각했던 쇼핑몰 일이
Level 10
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 10
I had thought if I could hear people call mea shopping mall CEO I would be happy쇼핑몰 CEO 소리 들으면서 살면 행복할 줄 알았어요
Level 11
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 11
I was online shopping half asleep.제가 잠결에 급하게 인터넷 쇼핑을 했어요.
Level 12
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 12
Now I am going to stop by the mart and go shopping while I am on my way to the destination.지금은 목적지를 가는 도중에 마트를 들려서 나머지 먹을 것들을 살 예정입니다.
Level 13
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 13
Arrival~~ I got off in the middle to go shopping! I'm going to go to the grocery store도착~지는 아니고 지금 중간에 가다가 장 보려고 내렸어오! 장을 보러 가겠습니다 고고><~
Level 14
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 14
I went to go shopping wearing this and moms asked me where I got these.이걸 입고 마트를 갔더니 어머니들이 의상 정보를 물어보시고 그러시더라고요.
Level 15
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 15
choose one of them as your shopping muse.그분을 딱 한 분 정해놔요, 여러분만의 쇼핑 뮤즈를 하나 정해놓고
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I'll show you how the online shopping malls proceed with the shooting in today's vlog.보통의 쇼핑몰들은 어떤 식으로 촬영이 이루어지는 지 오늘 브이로그에서 보여드리도록 할게요.
Level 17
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 17
when you go shopping so it could help.쇼핑하실 때 좀 도움이 되었으면 좋겠고요.
Level 18
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 18
When shopping measure the length of your arm여러분들이 쇼핑하실 때 팔 길이를 측정한 다음에
Level 19
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This design is easy to make easy to wear and alsovery pretty so please refer to it when shopping.만들기도 편하고 이런 디자인은 입었을 때도 편하고 예쁘게 떨어져가지고 쇼핑하실 때 이점 좀 참고해 주시면 좋을 것 같고요,
Level 20
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 20
The lowest price you find throughonline shopping really is the best.역시 인터넷 쇼핑 최저가가 최고예요.
Level 21
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 21
Joshua likes home shopping so Hong shopping슈아 형 같은 경우는 쇼핑 좋아하니까 홍쇼핑