One day I accidentally met a traveler who was traveling in search of a dream.어느날, 우연히 꿈을 찾아 여행하고 있던 한 여행객을 만나게 되었다
Let's Check Travel Expression
Level 1
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 1
Level 2
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 2
'Did he travel again? I think I went there again...''얘는 또 여행갔네? 저번에도 간 거 같은데...'
Level 3
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 3
It was also revealed that we were traveling with Paris and we파리를 동반 여행하는 사실도 밝혀지고
Level 4
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 4
and I will be traveling in the future. I love this setting.그리고 제가 앞으로 여행도 다닐 예정인데 딱 요 셋팅이 좋은거 같습니다
Level 5
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 5
Sometimes we earned money even when traveling without money나중에는 저희가 무전여행이라서 돈 없이 여행을 하는데 돈을 벌어요
Level 6
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 6
"Good day ma'am we are college students traveling without money""어머님 안녕하세요, 저희가 무전여행 중인 대학생들입니다"
Level 7
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 7
"Hi we are students traveling without money. Can we get some food for free?""안녕하십니까, 저희는 무전여행하는 학생들입니다. 밥 좀 주십시오"
Level 8
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 8
And travel around the world with them전 세계 경비행기 세계 일주를 해보고 싶어요
Level 9
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 9
And those opportunities arises When you choose to travel a path others avoid그 기회는 남들이 하기 싫어하는 거남들이 안하려고 하는 걸 할 때 기회가 생긴다는 걸 저는 알고 있습니다
Level 10
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 10
I wanted to travel around Europe유럽 일주를 해보고 싶었어요
Level 11
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 11
And I got support from a company and traveled around Europe for 3 months후원을 받아서 제가 유럽 일주를 3개월 동안 하게 됩니다
Level 12
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 12
I boarded and I got permission from the secretary. Let's travel today.탑승을 했구요 사무장님한테 허락도 받았구요 이제 오늘 여행을 해보도록 하겠습니다
Level 13
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 13
"I want to visit Londonto join the forum and to travel"'그 포럼도 듣고 런던 여행도 할 것입니다'
Level 14
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 14
"And I like travelling"'그래서 여행을 너무 좋아하는데'
Level 15
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 15
so the distance traveled is about 350 kilometers.주행 거리가 한 350km 정도.
Level 16
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 16
The first city to travel to Europe is Oxford England이번 유럽 여행의 첫 번째 도시는 영국의 옥스포드 입니다
Level 17
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 17
I thought it was just anothertime travel drama이거 그냥 타임 슬립 드라마인가 하다가
Level 18
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 18
It would travel to the past. It would travel to the future.과거로 갔다 올 수 있는 타임머신vs 미래로 갔다 올 수 있는 타임머신
Level 19
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 19
Traveling back in time.시간을 거슬러
Level 20
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 20
Teleportation and time traveling.순간 이동 & 시간 이동
Level 21
Everyday Sentences LearnedThrough Video 21
but while traveling time they run into the end of the world.시간 여행 중 세계 종말을 맞닥뜨림